Friday, July 02, 2010


The thing about being a mother is that our hearts scream at the infliction of pain on another mother's heart.

Because our hearts can feel it. Our hearts can imagine it. Our hearts plead '' on behalf of our fellow moms when their hearts are being ripped from their chests.

And so it is tonight as I sit paralyzed with sadness at the news that a classmate of Kayla's was killed in a car accident.

Sixteen years old, driving a mere couple of months. On his way to work.

And he is gone.

A mother's precious son is gone.

Her daughter's little brother is gone.

Her husband's boy is gone.

In the blink of an eye, her heart is laid bare to the worst pain a mother can imagine.

And we can feel it, can't we moms? We can feel that desperation to make it not true.

no no no no no....

How will she ever again lift her head off her pillow when she awakes each morning? How will she crawl out from under that weight of grief?

Do you feel it? Do you feel her pain? Is your heart breaking, simply because you know? You know what it means to love so fiercely that to lose that which you love is to have the air that you breathe sucked out of you forever?

If you are the praying sort, I beg of you to pray for this family. You don't need to know their name; God knows. God knows which mother will never be the same. God knows which family has just set out on that crippling journey of grief. God knows which parents have just been called to do that which no parents should ever be called to do....

This. This is beyond our comprehension. This is beyond what we think we can handle. This is a tragedy that will rip through our tiny school district like a hurricane blowing winds of grief, breaking hearts, devastating young lives. Because a precious boy is gone. A life is over far too soon. The foundation of our community has been shaken. And one family? Tonight one family in our midst now has a hole in its heart.

And so what we must do is fight the need to curl into a ball and hide from the pain. We must arm ourselves with the tools necessary to get our young people through this loss. We must show them how to minister to their friend's family. We must gather our strength from each other so that we can give it to our children.

There will be little sleep for me tonight. I daresay most of our community will by lying awake most of the night. As I pray for this grief stricken family I will also be praying that the rest of us can serve them, minister to them, lift them up, carry their burden, carry them.

And I hope you will join me.

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

I am so sad for the loss of this precious boy--for all of you.