Friday, July 28, 2006


In my previous post I expressed a great deal of anger toward the man who walked out on his wife of 7 months - a dear friend of ours. My anger is not so much at the adultery, although I know that is bad. I know marriages and individuals can heal from adultery and I find those couples and individuals very courageous. My anger is at the verbal and emotional abuse this man was heaping upon his wife. Without an end in sight, that kind of abuse can leave permanent scars. Without any sign of remorse this man, I'm afraid, has forever changed the spirit of his young bride. That's what makes me so angry - angry enough to want to smack him. A couple can move on from a mistake and perhaps come out the other side better and stronger. I've seen it happen. But continual emotional and verbal abuse is an attack that wears away the spirit and leaves the victim nothing but a shell of what she once was. That is what I am praying will NOT happen to my friend.
So there it is. I just felt the need to soften my words a bit.

1 comment:

Beaner said...

Can your friend's daughter move out like that if she has legal custody? How old is the step-daughter? What a sad situation.

As for your former babysitter, abuse is wrong no matter what kind, so although 'working it out' helps in some situations, I'm glad that she's at least out from under the abuse. I pray that she can get over this, but it will take so much time & support. Prayers go out to both your friends!!