Saturday, October 28, 2006


When Blake was in 5th grade he wore a sleeveless t-shirt (a muscle shirt?) to school. I didn't really like the look but in an un-airconditioned building, you kind of go for comfort. Anyway, he came home and said, "Mom, I'm wearing this kind of shirt alot." Then he made a muscle with one arm and tapped it with his finger and said "The ladies like these guns!!." Of course he said it in a schmoozey kind of voice. At age 10, of course, his guns were pretty much pea shooters, but he didn't seem to care. Also, in 1st grade he told me that "the girls like me because I make them laugh. Oh and I'm attractive too." There is absolutely no self esteem problems with this kid. A year ago, I found a t-shirt that had an outline of a body-builder on it and it said WELCOME TO THE GUN SHOW. Remembering Blake's fine physique, I bought it for him.
A few nights ago, while Paul was in London, Blake came into our bedroom to "fill me in on the plans for the rest of the week." He was in flannel pants and no shirt. I couldn't help but think of him as a little boy flexing his muscles. But now, he really has some guns!! I was thinking "Holy Smokes. He really does have some guns now. So this is what a year of wrestling, football, and weightlifting has done to my little boy. Wait! Wait! Where is my pudgy little boy that loved his green tractor and couldn't walk to the car without dragging one finger through the dirt to take some with him?"
Every now and then, my mom comments on how thin Blake is. Of course it is usually when she sees him in his football uniform. (Perhaps I need to wear football pants if they make one look too thin) And I always remind her that for breakfast he eats 4 waffles or 6 pancakes and 2 big glasses of milk. He orders potatoes AND french fries when we eat out. He eats a whole 14 inch pizza alone. He is just so active. I feel like I need to reassure her that I AM feeding my child. So when she was here the other night, I really wanted to make Blake strip his shirt off so she could see that he is not too thin, that he has muscle. Just not ONE BIT OF FAT (the little stinker) But I didn't. Instead I let her sit back and enjoy the show of Blake and his friends eating the pie she brought them. Blake called her a few days ago and said he was craving her pumpkin pie. Well, Grandma baked a couple pies and Kayla's favorite cake and drove up to deliver them. Grandma was in shock when Blake and his three friends cut the first pie into FOUR pieces and then each devoured their 1/4 of a pie in under 4 bites. Then they cut the 2nd pie and started on it. She said she didn't know why she was in shock, she raised 2 boys and her oldest grandson used to eat a big mac in 3 bites. Some sights just never cease to amaze us.
Then Kayla got home and ate about 3 bites of her cake and moved on. This is the child that has passed up a brownie for yogurt. One time at Christmas, her piano teacher gave her a bag of candy and an apple. She came running out of the house yelling "mommy, she gave me an apple!!!" Of course, I was thinking "great, can I have your chocolate!"

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