Saturday, April 05, 2008


Last week while Paul was in London (or Lille, or Hamburg, I wasn't keeping track) I sent him an e-mail that went something like this:

On the morning of Saturday April 5th, I have an urgent appointment at the um...the...medical offices of Doctors Christopher and Banks. The Doctors are having a special on their therapy sessions - 40% off.

I knew he would understand this urgent psychiatric need because it is really not much different than the "last minute management meetings" he frequently gets called into at 5:30 on Friday nights. Interestingly, these meetings are always held at one of the downtown drinking and dining establishments, and are usually facilitated by the management team of Jack & Coke. How can I argue with management?

How can he argue with therapy?

So this morning I got up and fortified myself with a cup of coffee and half a piece of his birthday cake - Peanut Butter Crunch - dressed for battle (cell phone? check. credit card? check. 40% off must-have coupon? check) and reminded Paul that I was only going shopping to save him some money. He does not even try to argue with my logic anymore.

And off I went.

I entered the store and immediately noticed that the atmosphere was charged with controlled chaos. But no matter. Sometimes therapy is hard. You must break through those things that frighten you in order to come out the other side a whole person.

There were probably about 25 women shopping in this little store; and as I slowly walked around and immersed myself into the world of spring tops and capris (because I am a proponent of immersion therapy) one of the clerks saw me and said "Oh, Hi Heidi."


I am such a bad girl.

Out of ALL these women who came in today seeking therapy to make themselves better, more well rounded individuals, she knows ME by my first name? Yes, I am the one who has sought therapy there so often that when I walk in it's like Norm walking into Cheers.

They do not even offer me a dressing room anymore, because they know I'm going to say "No thanks; I'm sure of the sizes." I must change my ways.

So I have two choices. I can either go cold turkey and put myself on a complete spending freeze for a set amount of months; or I can immerse myself in shopping until it makes me absolutely sick and I never want to step into a clothing store again.

I think I'll run this by Paul.

Any guesses as to what he'll say?


Susiewearsthepants said...

As someone who is struggling to live on a budget, you'll get no lip from me on this one. I do so love to shop for clothes. It's my passion. My calling, my destiny...well you get the idea

Paul W said...

Jack & Coke is so red-neck Pana like that I can't comprehend this. It's now Gin & tonic, darling.

And yes, I'm beyond trying to understand the spending to save theory of family finance 101 as taught by H. I'm just happy the therapy was successful!
