Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama to Lift Ban on Funding for Groups Providing Abortions Overseas...

And here I had been saying I was going to be optimistic and hopeful with our new president.

It has taken President Obama, what, two days - forty eight hours, to jump on the abortion bandwagon. Seriously, it appears as though he just couldn't wait to make it possible for more abortions to be performed in our world. This? This is one of his first acts as president? Our economy is falling apart, our sons and daughters are dying in battle and this is what he is thinking about first?

Is it not enough that we slaughter our own unborn? Must we once again give money to groups who wish to perform abortions in other countries? Must we now sanction the taking of tiny Mexican lives? African lives? Haitian lives? Must we once again sanction the taking of tiny lives any where pro-choice groups wish to travel in the name of "education and outreach?"

All of us who are sickened by the war in Iraq, all of us who are sickened by the deaths of not only our soldiers but also the Iraqi people, where is the outrage?

Are we only outraged when we leave our own borders for purpose of war and take lives? Are we not outraged that now we are sending our money outside of our own borders to take the lives of tiny unborn children? Are we not outraged that our leader, capable though he may be, has made a conscious decision to sign an order which will allow OUR money to be used for abortions in a foreign land? In this time of economic collapse, we are sending our money to other countries to END LIFE?

Could we not use that money to feed starving children in our own country? Keep a roof over the heads of homeless children in our own country? Educate at-risk children in our own country? Provide medical care to uninsured children in our own country? If we refuse to protect the lives of the unborn here within our borders, could we not, at the very least, put more effort into caring for the children that have been given life HERE WITHIN OUR OWN BORDERS? Isn't that a better use of our funds than, say, an outlined plan that funds the taking of more lives?

It is heartbreaking that our society considers its children to be disposable.

Evidently, we now consider children around the world to be disposable.

*Sorry, readers - the link isn't working today. It worked last night. I found the article on and I'm sure it's on all the major news sites.


*Lindsay*Jordan* said...

Amen. Glad somebody said it! Its terrible when people think having children when pregnant is optional.

a portland granny said...

Great post. I am doing a political post tonight (my first and last) and I hope it is okay, but I am going to link this post of yours to my ending comments.

Thanks for your bravery.

Beaner said...

Sorry, this may be long!

We are called to live the way God wants us to live regardless of what is legal or illegal in our culture right now. In Abraham's time, it was not illegal to be married to Sarah & take Hagar as a wife & have a child by her. However, God's plan was for 1 man & 1 woman to be married & have children together. There were consequences to his actions back then, just as there will be consequences to the people who choose to have an abortion. Infidelity is another example: not illegal, but God's people are called to do what is right, regardless of the law. Again, there are consequences. As Christians, we are called to bring people into the light. We are called to show people a better way. We should encourage people to make better choices regardless of the legality of those choices. People who feel strongly about abortion obviously have a calling by God to do something about it - I'm just not sure that includes trying so hard to make it illegal. I think we're supposed to support women & services that provide for women who have unintended pregnancies.

Also, making abortion illegal will cause all sorts of other problems. If you allow abortions in the case of rape, how many women will make false claims of rape just to get an abortion? How many men's lives will be ruined? Do we do the abortion first & then go to trial? If the man is found not-guilty do we then arrest the woman?

I really struggle with this issue because I personally feel so strongly about having a baby no matter what, I'm just not sure that it is God's intention that we try to change OUR laws to fit His, rather we are supposed to change our HEARTS (and the hearts of those in the darkness.)

Sorry if some of that was rambling!! I could go on with several other points, I just have to get ready for work!

Susiewearsthepants said...

Great points Beaner!

HW said...

All great points. I totally agree, we cannot legislate morality, or rather, OUR version of morality.
I recognize that abortion will most likely never again be illegal in our country. I do, however, feel strongly that we do not need to use U.S. funds, while we are on the brink of depression, to accomodate other nations in such a controversial matter.
If the same amount of funding were to be used for pro-life groups to go overseas and spread their
message, D.C. would see a firestorm of angry protestors. And why not give equal funding to each side of this divisive issue?
In the end, my only job is to love all women regardless of their choice or circumstance; and I strive to do that.

a portland granny said...

In the end, I didn't use your post as I decided the abortion issue was aside from what I was writing about....however, I am sharing your post add'y with several of my blog friends by email. It was most informative.

I know we cannot legislate morality, but I'm with you--using American dollare to slaughter babies around the world--let's call it what it is! I believe America will be judged for the lives of the millions of babies that have died. Of course, we will be judged for many things.

And one more thing, I have a wonderful son, who grew up to be an outstanding violinest and a preacher, whose birth mother chose to protect his life, then release him for adoption.
What the world would have lost if he had never been born!! ...and how bleak my life would have been!

So there are other solutions when women are in bad places.

life choices aren't easy and Beaner's arguments make sense. I have often felt comforted to some degree, because these babies are with the Lord.