Wednesday, January 03, 2007



I've learned that 9th grade boys are funny. REALLY. REALLY. FUNNY.

I've learned that 7th grade girls are funny. REALLY. REALLY. FUNNY.

I've learned that teenagers have some sort of radar when it comes to a clean kitchen. As soon as the kitchen is in perfect conditon, they get hungry.

I've learned that as kids grow, so do their mistakes, but you keep loving them. In fact, you love them more.

I've learned that estrangement doesn't have to be forever.

I've learned that, on those days when you just don't think you can get up and face life; you manage to find a way, and it's not so bad after all.

I've learned that customer service is steadily becoming a thing of the past, so when you see a good example of it, you should acknowledge it with a great tip or at least a compliment.

I've learned it doesn't matter what my neighbor paid for his car or what the couple down the street is doing to their house. If it doesn't effect our salvation, or our safety, who cares?

I've learned that no matter how old your children are, their laughter is pure music.

I've learned that having company is about showing hospitality, not showing our house.

I've learned that when the neighbor's two-year-old throws a tantrum, it's a lot cuter than when my own children did it.

I've learned that no matter how low on the totem pole you might be at work, you should take pride in doing your job well.

I've learned that sometimes God makes something so clear to you, it's as though He has left a note on your bathroom mirror.

I've learned that sometimes I will drive a total of two hours to watch a 30-minute volleyball game. And that's just fine.

I've learned that sometimes God answers a prayer even before you've prayed it.

I've learned that wrestling is a difficult sport.

I've learned that a teenager would rather be in prison than on vacation with his family.

I've learned that any adult your teenager wishes to be around, if he/she is a positive role model, you should allow it. We can all use help doing this parenting job, and our kids need lots of people who just plain love them.

I've learned that time passes quickly. So quickly that it sometimes takes my breath away.

I've learned that hearing certain words come out of your child's mouth is like falling into an abyss. Words such as "we need to pick up my RULES OF THE ROAD book by Friday..."

And so much more....

1 comment:

The Amazing Trips said...

Another great post ... I love the lessons that you've learned. Lots of good advice for me to take to heart! :)