Tuesday, June 24, 2008


We returned on Sunday from a weekend trip to Indiana, where I met up with my brothers and sister to help Marilyn clear out some of our dad's things. Needless to say, I had been dreading the trip, but it went as well as it could have, I guess.

I will naturally post more on that later, but now I am getting ready for another brief trip.

Tomorrow we are heading to Iowa. My mom has spent the week in South Dakota with my brother, and we are meeting them on Thursday to pass her off like a relay baton, so we can get her back home.

Paul and I are going to spend tomorrow afternoon and evening at Amana Colonies, and then get up on Thursday and drive to Malcolm, Iowa to pick her up. We picked Malcolm because it is EXACTLY halfway between our two homes and because it is our grandfather's name and the middle name of my brother's son. Paul and I decided we JUST HAVE to say we've been to Malcolm, Iowa. I hope I can find a t-shirt.

In other news...

We have had something going on EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND since the beginning of May, and I don't see a break in sight anytime soon. We are starting to feel the stress of always having to be on the go.

I just want to stay home.

Many thanks to Susiewearsthepants at www.susiewrsthepants.blogspot.com. She has me on her blog roll!!

I've been linked!!!!


Susiewearsthepants said...

My friends call me Sue, or Susie, or...whatever. Glad to link your blog. Your posts always make me laugh.

HW said...

Ok, Sue, Susie, or Whatever. But I really like saying (typing)susiewearsthepants. In fact I think I'll name my next baby that -little susiewearsthepants. I notice your profile has you as Susan; and I've always wondered if I should refer to you as that.