Wednesday, May 13, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine actually said to me "I would rather go to the gynecologist than shop at the mall."

I was able to quickly set aside my shock - SHOCK! I tell you - and think of a way that her attitude could benefit me.


So I said to her "Oh, well then. What are you doing on May 13th at 1:30? Because I think we can work something out."

Since I had an appointment today - you know, THAAAAT appointment - I thought I could go to the mall and shop for some fun sandals and a couple of flirty tops, and she could take my place in the stirrups.

After all she said she'd RATHER do that.

I thought I had stumbled upon a great concept.

Pap Smear by Proxy.

During the civil war wealthy families could actually pay somebody to go fight in place of their men folk.

This would be the same thing, except instead of any money changing hands it would be more of a barter system. You go see the doctor for me and I'll check out the sale at Kohl's for you.

Sadly my friend and I never came to an agreement on the initiation of my proxy idea.

Somehow I think she's not as disappointed about that as I am.


Stephanie said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! This is your funniest post since the letter to Cheetoh's! Thank you for this!

Beaner said...

So is this the plan to get the preacher to stop reading your blog???? ;)

Roxanne said...

Hilarious!!! I must go find the Cheetoh post.

Susiewearsthepants said...

This was a great post. It definitely took the pre-teen worries off my mind for a few minutes....and reminded me that I need to make an appointment.