Thursday, February 07, 2008


Can somebody please tell me WHY, when I go out in the mild sleet and freezing temperatures to have my daughter's cell phone serviced for the THIRD time in SEVEN months, that the "Service Personnel" merely call the warranty department for me and hand me the phone; thereby leaving me to have to take the phone apart and read them a microscopic 21-digit number, describe to them the color of the "little rubber dot there to determine if there's water damage," and then tell them "what color the battery prongs are to determine if there is corrosion...," confirm our billing address and last four digits of our social security number, only to be told that they will send us a replacement phone; and that while the phone itself will be new, the software within it has been reprogrammed, and that if they determine the phone is indeed damaged, and it was our fault, they will put the charge on our bill; leaving me to wonder if I will be receiving part of the service guy's paycheck for doing his job for him today? And while you're at it could you tell me if that is the longest run-on sentence you've ever come across?

Could somebody please tell me why these people are allowed to call themselves "Service Personnel" and why these companies are allowed to call these places of business "Service Centers?"

Thank you A T & T. You were absolutely NO help whatsoever to me today. And when our contract is up, you're history.


Could somebody please tell me WHY when I finally break down and buy a REALLY BIG clock for our family room, spending every last dime of my birthday money for it, I bring it home to find it is actually SCREWED INTO THE BOX, making me have to use THREE different screw drivers and a paring knife to try to get that thing out of there, only to give up and prop it on the floor, still screwed into the box, to consider taking it back to the store and getting a full refund?

Could somebody please tell me WHY the powers-that-be thought that clock was going to get stolen, so they took the precaution of screwing a 24-INCH DIAMETER clock into its box; while I carried a lipstick around the store for 2o minutes that had absolutely no packaging around it at all and would have very handily fit into my purse?

Can somebody tell me WHY I should be doing anything right now besides going to bed for a nap and wondering why I even bothered to leave the house today?

I didn't think so.

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