Friday, September 25, 2009


It's interesting how, while we were on vacation IN EUROPE!!! that I couldn't wait to get home and blog about our experience. I would lie awake each night on our trip thinking of a post that would sum up the day we had just experienced.

Then we got home and had to wait on pictures to be printed and sorted.

And real life started happening again.

And I said to Paul one night "It's kind of sad that the memories of our vacation are fading such that we don't even sit around in the evening saying 'remember this....' Life goes on."

And he said "yeah."

It was my goal to journal our vacation, day by day, as a reminder to our kids so that one day they might look back and say "oh yeah, that really was a fantastic 12 days."

And I still want to do that, but have allowed things like the back to school rush, a new job for my husband (yeah, a whole new series of posts), fund raisers, homecoming week, and just the excitement of my life in general (FLU SHOTS!!!) to get in my way of documenting some of the most exciting days our family has spent together.

Well, NO MORE, I say!

From now on, there will be no more posts on this blog that do not pertain to the W Family's trip to Europe until I have expended every word, every memory so that it will finally be part of my legacy that is this blog.

And it's all printed and bound, on it's way to a publisher who will surely see to it that it lands on the New York Times bestseller list.

I will admit it has become more like an assignment that I must complete instead of an easy flow of words describing the trip of a lifetime with my family.

But I have a feeling that as I start to review the photos again and sit down to recap each day, the excitement will pick up and I will once again enjoy putting into words this journey that was actually indescribable.

If I remember correctly, I am about to recap our trip to Bayeux and the beaches of Normandy, which might be why I have stalled out a little bit.

My grandfather was there, and as I sit and look at the photos of him in his Army uniform and I try to imagine his journey, I simply cannot wrap my mind around it.

But the ideas are forming and the words are coming. And I do find it important to put these words to paper, so to speak, not for the sake of the few of you who read my blog (although I am thrilled to have you check in) but for the sake of my children who simply must know the connection they have to one of the many many heroes that left their homes and fought on a distant land to liberate a continent.

I think I'm back on track, kids.

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