Monday, August 11, 2008


I registered the kids for school today.

I left early so I could be one of the first in line and get it over with. On my drive up there, I became a little nostalgic and even found myself tearing up a bit because my daughter is a freshman now and my son is a junior.

I even thought I'd write a post about how quickly the time has passed and, oh my, what a milestone this is registering our daughter for high school for the first time. And, goodness gracious, only one more registration day after this one for our son. Blah. Blah. Blah.

I was all melancholy and telling myself to enjoy this time. I was actually rubbing my forehead on the drive up to prevent tears from spilling out of my eyes.

Boy did that blow up in my face.

When I arrived they hadn't even started the registration process yet, so I was feeling
PRIT. TEE. good about my decision to arrive early. Boy am I a smart one to leave home so early and get a jump on this process. I was going to get through this sometimes annoying process quite easily, be on my way home and hop right on this computer and post a tear jerker of a post on how quickly time flies when you're raising children.


I was first in line at the FRESHMAN table. Only nobody was there to register the freshmen. No worries. I just hopped on over to the Junior table, thinking I'd take care of that and then slip back to the freshman line and zip on out of there. Surely there would be a Freshman helper by then.

Trouble is, by the time I registered my junior and moved back to the freshman line, there still wasn't a worker there.

AAAAAANNNNNDDD!! There were about 15 people ahead of me.

Well Crap!!

So there we freshman mothers were, looking around for some sort of guidance.

Do we stand in the freshman line and wait for a helper?

Do we move to the sophomore line and expect that lady to do both classes?

Somebody help us!!

I certainly don't blame the ladies who were working registration. They had their hands full, to say the least. My guess is that somebody didn't show up to work her shift.


Here I was the first one at the table to register my freshman and now I was behind 15 other moms who were just as confused as I was.

And I was paying good money to stand there and look like an idiot.

Finally the librarian (I think) took over the freshman line and gladly accepted my check made out for over two hundred dollars for our free public education.

By that time I was hot, grumpy and hungry.

I no longer wanted to buy a sparkly spirit wear shirt.

I simply could not be bothered to write another check for a yearbook.

I just wanted to take my 63 forms, pamphlets, information sheets and calendars and get out of there.

So in the space of an hour my mood went from "Oh boo hoo! My children are growing up so fast. Only a few more registration days after this one. Where has the time gone? Sniff. Sniff," to "HOLY COW!!! I cannot possibly live through another registration day. Thank you, Lord, that I have these kids almost raised so I can be done with this nightmare portion of their childhood. And why can't their father do this anyway? I am SOO having a brownie at home..." while banging my head on the steering wheel.

And that concludes this anatomy lesson.


Susiewearsthepants said...

Well that just plain bites! (or sucks)Nothing like getting there early and still having to wait in line. Hope you had that brownie when you got home. Maybe it's better that you ended up feeling grumpy. I would rather feel grumpy than all emotional and upset thinking about how fast my babies are growing up. I do that enough anyway.

The Broken Man said...

I hate queueing sooo much! If you have to queue for it, it's not worth having (even if it's school!)

The Broken Man

Kandi said...

You should have stopped on your way home and had another Blizzard...

HW said...

A blizzard!!
Why didn't I think of that...?

Julie said...

So true! Just the other morning I was feeling the same way about my oldest beginning kindergarten. Wouldn't you know by noon after dealing with numerous petty fights, attitudes, and talking back, I was wondering why kindergarten couldn't start sooner! :)

BTW: a blizzard is 13 points??? And I wonder why I can't lose that post baby fat. No matter that my baby is three. Seriously!