Monday, August 18, 2008


So, I had a headache this morning and, because my refill for my happy pills hadn't arrived in the mail yet, I decided I'd try some caffeine, namely Diet Pepsi, to fight the pain - along with some extra strength Tylenol. Because I like to use my extensive medical and pharmaceutical knowledge whenever I can.

Trouble is, I don't keep soda in the house.

Here is when it is SOOOOO handy to have a child that drives.

"Blake, if you'll run out and get some fountain Diet Pepsis for Kayla and me, you can keep the change...." handing him a ten.

Because addicts will do desperate things for a fix.

I had suggested Taco Bell because I LOVE Taco Bell Diet Pepsi. LOVE. IT.

But Blake knew that going to the gas station/convenient mart would be cheaper (plus the drive through service at Taco Bell is WELL below satisfactory) thus yielding him more change from the ten he'd received from the junkie....I mean his mother.

So off he went.

About 20 minutes later, he returns with two BIG Styrofoam cups full of diet Pepsi. AND NO LIDS.

Seems the idiots at the convenient mart didn't have lids in stock. Because the idiots at the convenient mart run it very...well...idiotically. So instead of aborting the mission, my son, MY HERO, managed to get two BIG Diet Pepsis home for his mother and his sister, unprotected by lids, without spilling a drop.

My enabler...My hero. Definitely the man to get the job done.


Jody said...

LOL everyone needs a hero right?! LOL too funny. Hope you are feeling better.

Susiewearsthepants said...

Another funny story. Hope that headache is better today.