Monday, December 29, 2008


On my way to the vet today, as my left eye was twitching from the ridiculously loud "MWWWWOOOOWWWW," coming non-stop from the back seat, I called Paul to confirm with him how we would pay for this visit. After all, spending money to keep this cat well just four days after Christmas is not on the top of our favorite things list. It most certainly is not on the top of Paul's favorite things list - especially the "keeping the cat well" part.

Within seconds of hanging up, he called me back and said "Um...I guess we never discussed how far we're willing to go with this. I hope you understand but we can't spend a ton of money on this cat."

Of course I understand.

Because we choose to spend our money on more frivolous things like say, oh, I don't know, inhalers for our asthmatic daughter, migraine medication, eye glasses/contacts for four people, dental work, utility bills and groceries.

Things like that.

So as the vet kept me informed of what was going on with Boomer (looks like some sort of kidney disease) I said "I love this cat and I don't mean to be cold-hearted but we have to be very conscious of cost with his treatment." She understood and did not make me feel like the most stone-hearted client she had ever met.

So she told me what was going on and what the worst- and best-case scenario would be.

As they were doing x-rays I stood in the lobby and called Paul to tell him what I knew and where we were at cost wise.

And being the doomsday, animal loving, pre-menstrual woman that I am, I started crying as I told him the details. Really, all I could think about was that I was going to have to decide to put this cat down and walk out of there with a plan in mind to tell my daughter why I made the decision that I made.

And Paul kept saying, "Honey, we can do whatever you want..." And I kept saying "Of course we can't, we have to be practical. We cannot go into debt for this cat."

''Do you want me to come and be with you?"

"No. There's no decision to be made yet. I'll keep you posted."

Then 30 minutes later as I was standing in the teeny tiny x-ray room listening to the vet say things like "renal disease" "blockage" "distension" "hydration therapy.." there was a knock on the door and one of the assistants brought my husband into the room.

He didn't want me to be alone as I faced a difficult decision about my beloved cat - a cat that has been a thorn in his side for five and a half years.

How sweet is that?

His first day back at work in ten days, and he left the office to stand beside me and look at x-rays of a cat that he despises.

If that's not love, I don't know what is.


Ami said...

You know, it really is. Definitely love. He is a great man.bor

I'm sorry about your cat. Only a person who has had an animal they love could understand.

Kandi said...

Aww, that's so sweet. I'm not a huge cat fan either but as a lover of animals (and my beloved dog (I also live with a small zoo- cat, 2 birds, and a fish tank)), I can totally relate to your story.

Paul W said...

Don't anyone get the wrong idea brief act of compassion still doesn't overcome 20+ years of clod behaviour! But it was the next right thing to do today.

Love you H....and I do hope for the best for the fat cat. Can you imagine explaining this to Benjamin next summer?


Unknown said...

He sounds like a sweet man that is for certain!
I found your blog last week and I've really enjoyed your writing style. I have twin teen daughters and a younger son, never a dull moment here.
Best wishes for your cat..........I'm a dog lover, but we had to have our furry baby put down 2 years ago.

Roxanne said...

You can't buy that. :)